The 360 and Avature Integration requires configuration on both systems.  This document will list some nuance within this integration:

To setup a new Program Title (AVATURE CONFIGURATION REQUIRED) Recruitment team will need to complete:

  1. Login to Avature
  2. Click the “A” icon in the upper left corner
  3. Choose System Settings
  4. Choose DataSets
  5. Find the PROGRAM TITLE dataset and click FILL DATASET
  6. Add the new Program Title (only need to populate TITLE, other fields can be left blank)
  7. Go back to the Datasets
  8. Find the REQ CLASS AND PROGRAM TITLE dataset and click FILL DATASET
  9. Add a “Standard” record and choose the newly added Program Title (Director = No)
  10. Add a “Critical” record and choose the newly added Program Title (Director = No)
  11. Go back to the Datasets
  12. Find the Country/ProgramTitle/Department dataset and click FILL DATASET
  13. Apply the necessary Countr(ies) to the new Program Title

Setting up 360:

  1. New ProgramTitle must be added into the 360 Database and tied to the Management Group(s) that need to leverage that